Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Do not frown upon me, don't look down your nose at the ignorance that is the title to this blog entry. "Misunderestimated" is a term coined by our brilliant and intellectual current President, George Dubya (yeah, I know I started the countdown too). When I was first acquainted with Bushisms, I was frequently checking Webster's, after all he is my commander-in-chief...if he says something it must be to my knowledge, politically correct right? hmmm, I digress. I was appeased to see that Mr. President stayed true to form throughout his 8 years... despite everyone misunderestimating him. In his final press conference as President of the United States he stated, and I quote, "Umm, sometimes didn't like the stories that you wrote or reported on. Sometimes you, umm, misunderestimated me." Tsk Tsk. He has experienced a fair share of obtuseness throughout his two terms, but I must say that 'misunderestimated' is one of my favorite Bushisms, right along with 'commiserate'!

1 comment:

  1. I almost feel sorry for the guy. He's the prime example of why doctors tell pregnant women not to stand in front of the microwave.
