Thursday, January 8, 2009

Maybe It's Time to Put the Ganja Down

According to a newspaper report, two US citizens were busted for creating a fake penis used to cheat drug tests. Gerald Willis 65, and Robert Catalano 62 are the brains behind the 'Whizzinator.' Which is a system that heats synthetic urine so that men can pass drug tests. Now, I try not to be judgemental, but when you are at a point where you are typing 'prosthetic penis' or 'synthetic urine' in the google search bar, chances are you are not in a good place. I understand that people handle their problems differently, but what happened to the good ole fashion remedies like drinking plenty water, cranberry juice, or venturing to that organic market to get some of that 'cleansing' juice...has anyone ever heard of detox tea?!

1 comment:

  1. What happened to the good ole fashion remedies? They don't work anymore is what happened. Drug testing has gotten better and better over the years. It has probably been 15 years since the methods you mentioned would work for even the simplest of drug tests.
